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Topoi. Revista de História publishes different types of original texts: articles, essays, interviews, translations and critical reviews in continuous publication format (since 2024). We receive permanent collaborations through the website Topoi is an open access journal, providing free consultation of all the material produced and made available by it. There are no fees for the submission or publication of manuscripts.

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC.


The evaluation of manuscripts is subject to prior approval by the journal’s Editorial Committee, which takes into account the suitability of the text for the editorial project and the quality of the journal. Once approved by the Committee, the article is evaluated by at least two anonymous external reviewers, using the double-blind peer review system. In view of requests from reviewers and the associated editor designated for the article, more than one round of evaluations may be carried out. Final acceptance depends on the recommendation of reviewers, on the author'(s’) compliance with the requests for whatever changes deemed necessary, and on the final approval by the Editorial Board.

Reviews, essays, document translations and interviews are the responsibility of the editors, which makes the use of referees optional. Likewise, translations of published articles depend exclusively on the approval by the Editorial Board. It is important to highlight the non-publication of translated articles by SciELO; in this case, the text will normally be released by Topoi, but only available on our website.

Authors must disclose any potential conflict of interest, including political and/or financial interests associated with the research. Likewise, the committee also asks reviewers to indicate conflicts of interest in relation to the text to be evaluated, which may lead to the replacement of the ad hoc reviewer. After evaluating the manuscript, if approved, the author may send the journal information regarding the institution or agency that financed the research, so that the information can be published in a final acknowledgments section in the text.


We encourage the authors, before submitting their work, to check all the following guidelines. Topoi does not evaluate manuscripts that ignore one or more of the substantive, stylistic, or formatting preparations or procedures stated below. If this occurs, the text will be returned to the proponent even before peer review.

1) The contribution must be original and unpublished (except in cases of translation, of course), and must not be evaluated by another publication. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to investigate the occurrence of cases of double submission or plagiarism for submitted articles. It should be noted that Topoi does not publish extracts from dissertations or theses; such works must go through a rewriting process so that they are not understood as self-plagiarism.

2) Submitted texts must not contain any indication of authorship. Manuscripts may include material previously published by the author(s), as long as it is clearly indicated, with full references, and that the presented work makes a significant new contribution. Parsimony is recommended in self-references.

3) Submissions must be sent in Microsoft Word format files. If they contain photographic images, illustrations, tables and/or graphs, they must be inserted in the body of the text. The tables and graphs are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and headed by title, with the sources duly mentioned in a caption aligned to the left. The images, in JPG format, must have captions starting with the term Figure and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, with the sources duly mentioned (author, name of the work, date, collection location, dimensions, material description or other necessary information). When submitting the article, the author must also separately attach images and tables in good resolution to the ScholarOne platform. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain authorization for using any images that are covered under copyright.

4) The text must be typed in Times New Roman 12 font; justified alignment; standard tabs (1.25cm) at the beginning of paragraphs; space between lines 1.5 (do not use any type of “before” and “after” spacing, nor “multiple” spacing or any other type other than that specified here); A4 size page; top and bottom, right and left margins, 2.5 cm.

5) Block quotations with more than three lines are set off from the main text as a paragraph, without quotation marks, with a 1.5 cm of left indentation, normal font Times New Roman, 11, single line spacing. Quotations with less than three lines are included in the body of the text, between quotation marks, regular size font. Epigraphs must be aligned to the right, with an indent of 7cm, letter 11, space between single lines. Referencing follows the standard (SURNAME, year, p. XX). The use of italics should be restricted to words and passages in a foreign language.

6) Quotations in a foreign language must appear translated; the original must appear in a footnote, with information about the author of the translation. In case of own translation, the standard “Free translation of the author:” is used.

7) Topoi uses footnotes of an explanatory nature, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The notes appear at the end of each page, in Times New Roman font, size 10, space between single lines, justified.

8) Bibliographic references must appear in the main body of the text, following the author-date system. Example: (CASSIRER, 2001, p. 10).

9) References to documentary sources (archival documents, interviews, verbal informations) must be fully informed only in the footnotes, avoiding the use of Ibid. and op. cit.

10) At the end of the text, the complete bibliographic references must be listed, in alphabetical order. Only references used in the text should be listed. Check the model adopted below. In case of doubt, the most recent version of ABNT recommendations is always preferred.


11) Authors of articles submitted to Topoi must have a Doctorate. If the article is produced in co-authorship, all authors must necessarily have completed a doctorate  and not have a recent mentoring relationship.

12) Articles must have between 40,000 and 60,000 characters with space, including footnotes and references.

13) The sections of an article, in order, are as follows: title in English, title in Portuguese, abstract, keywords, resumo, palavras-chaves, text and bibliographic references. It is recommended to use bold subtitles create sections. One line of space between the previous paragraph and the subtitle, and no space between the subtitle and the beginning of the following paragraph, must be observed.

14) The abstract must be presented in a single paragraph with a maximum of 10 lines (700 to 1,050 characters with space), accompanied by five keywords, as well as its translation in Portuguese. A good summary contains the theme, the spatial and chronological delimitation, the main sources and theoretical framework used, the main argument of the article and its conclusions.


15) Authors of reviews must have a Masters degree.

16) Book reviews must have between 10,000 and 18,000 characters with spaces.

17) The work to be reviewed may have been written in any language and published in any country. Reviews of works published in Brazil for a maximum of two years, and of works published abroad for a maximum of four years will be considered.

18) The reviewed book must touch one of the varied fields of contemporary historiographical debates, thus justifying its publication in a History journal.

19) According to recommendations from the editorial committee, reviews are requested to be the sum of a brief description (parts, chapters, etc.), a historiographical balance (situating the work in its analytical current) and a critical assessment of the work in question. In this sense, every review must have a title that indicates the reviewer’s analytical objective.

20) In addition to the title (in Portuguese and English), reviews must present the complete bibliographic reference of the work analyzed, just below the title. Reviews do not contain abstracts, keywords, or its translations. Explanatory notes can be used sparingly in these texts. Bibliographic references must appear in the main body of the text, following the author-date system. Example: (CARVALHO, 2011, p. 397). Complete bibliographic references must be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the text.

21) Reviewer and reviewed author must not have a mentoring relationship.


22) Translations must have between 40,000 and 60,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and references. The submission of translations must include permission by the author of the original text.


23) Bibliographic references must comply with the most recent ABNT standards. See examples below:


BARTH, Fredrik. Process and Form in Social Life. Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.

BROCA, Brito. A vida literária no Brasil: 1900. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio; Academia Brasileira de Letras, 2004.

Book chapter

CASSIRER, Ernst. A linguagem. Introdução e exposição do problema. In: CASSIRER, Ernst. A filosofia das formas simbólicas. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001. p. 9-74.

Journal article

CARVALHO, José Murilo de. República, democracia e federalismo no Brasil, 1870-1891. Varia Historia, Belo Horizonte, v. 27, n. 45, p. 395-423, jan./jun. 2011.

PALTI, Elias José. É possível pensar a História em uma era pós-subjetiva? Topoi. Revista de História, Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, n. 20, p. 4-14, jan./jun. 2010. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 set. 2010.

Conference proceedings

LOURENÇO, Eduardo. Dois fins de século. In: ENCONTRO DE PROFESSORES UNIVERSITÁRIOS BRASILEIROS DE LITERATURA PORTUGUESA, XIII, 1990, Rio de Janeiro. Atas… Rio de Janeiro: Lynx, 1992. p. 32-40.

Electronic conference proceedings

ARAÚJO, Rodrigo Cardoso Soares de. O polêmico Corsário, um pasquim da Corte Imperial (1880-1883). In: SEMINÁRIO DIMENSÕES DA POLÍTICA NA HISTÓRIA: ESTADO, NAÇÃO, IMPÉRIO, I, 2007, Juiz de Fora. Anais… Juiz de Fora: Clio Edições, 2007. p. 500-513 (Anais eletrônicos).

Unpublished thesis or dissertation

AZEVEDO, Francisca Lucia Nogueira de. Carlota Joaquina, Infanta de Espanha e Princesa do Brasil (1808-1814). Tese (Doutorado em História Social) – Programa de Pós-graduação em História Social, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 1997.

Newspaper article

GLEISER, Marcelo. Newton, Einstein e Deus. Folha de S.Paulo, 13 jun. 2010. Ilustrada, p. A23.

Manuscripts or archival documents

NOME OF THE ARCHIVE, City. Title of the document. Catalogue, file, v., n., year, f°. ou p.

NOTE: ABNT NBR 6023:2018 no longer uses “__.” and omits the name of an author, the name must be repeated.


24) Annexes and/or appendices will only be included when essential to understanding the text.

25) All works must be submitted after a rigorous grammatical and spelling review.

26) Topoi. Revista de História publishes articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French, passing these texts through the same peer review process.

27) The submission of manuscripts implies the cession of authorial and publication rights to Topoi. Revista de História. Content and opinions presented in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographic and documental references, however, are solely the responsibility of the authors.

28) Authors are allowed to reuse articles published by Topoi, as long as the reference to the original publication in the journal is made explicit.

29) The ScholarOne system requests personal information from the author(s), such as full name, address, telephone number, e-mail and ORCID, as well as data such as title, institutional affiliation, position, most recent publications. Since our evaluation method is double-blind, the authors’ data are not made available to reviewers. It is up to the authors to ensure the accuracy, correctness and updating of such information.

30) From 2024 onwards, all authors of manuscripts submitted to Topoi must complete an Open Science compliance form, which will be sent by email by the journal secretariat.

31) An interval of two years must be observed between submissions from the same author, if the previous manuscript has been accepted or not.

32) If you have any questions regarding sending texts or using ScholarOne, please contact the journal via email: